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Thoughtful One On One Talk

Talk with Kevin about whatever you want to talk about. Kevin is a great listener and he's happy to offer advice or input if you'd like.

Kevin is an empath but he's also witty and can be very humorous when appropriate. You'll feel better after talking with him.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.

$15 to $35

Learn more about each ConvoActive service.

Grief Support

After a loss, a big part of the healing process is to talk about your feelings.

And as odd as it may seem sometimes it's easier to talk with someone who hasn't been a part of your life...especially an "empath" like Kevin who can help those in a state of grieving to work through their thoughts and emotions.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.

ESL Tutor - Conversation & Instruction

Kevin is a native English speaker, ESL tutor, and voice actor, (pro speaker), with an excellent command of the English language.

Kevin speaks clearly and has great listening skills.

Kevin is polite, patient, kind, witty, and enjoyable to talk with.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.

Engaging Puppet Talk Infotainment

Kevin is a puppeteer and has several "Muppet styled" puppet characters, (each with their own voice), as Kevin is also a multi-voice, character voice actor), to choose from to talk to your kid(s) or anyone for that matter.

Pirates, wizards, cowboys, monkeys and so much more! They will teach about safety and healthy habits or congratulate, encourage, and almost anything including just talking.

Kids can even talk to one of Kevin's puppets, (of your choosing), using their own puppet if they have one.

This is fun, entertaining, and educational. And the Zoom event can always be recorded, and family can also watch live.

Learn more about this unique service.

Life Partner Relationship Advice

When it comes to intimate relationships it's always nice to talk with someone who has been in a healthy, thriving relationship for 30 or 40 years and understands the fundamentals of making and keeping an intimate relationship vibrant and strong.

It's especially helpful to talk with someone who's not family or a friend to provide an honest, unbiased perspective.

Kevin knows the key elements that help bring out the best in intimate relationships and bring about lasting happiness.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.

Motivation & Encouragement

There is no substitute for someone who can bring out the best in a person and energize the desire in them to do what they want or need to do.

Kevin isn't a fitness trainer style motivator. He's a mindset motivator who excites, inspires confidence and motivates people to eagerly embrace taking on their challenges.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.

Music Artist Feedback

There are few things more useful to musicians and songwriters than good honest input from someone who can be objective, constructive and whom they can "bounce things" off of.

Kevin is a fan of rock, blues, country, folk, easy listening, new wave, and ballads.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.


If you need someone that can stretch your creative limits, then you'll find Kevin to be a valuable resource.

If you have ideas that you'd like to develop out or you just want to exercise your own creativity, then you should talk with Kevin

Schedule a ConvoActive session.


Kevin started smoking around the age of twelve...not because it was "cool" but in an attempt to stunt his growth, (he was just over 6 feet tall at the age of twelve and he was told he'd be over 7 feet tall as an adult),...and it seems to have worked.

For the next 30+ years, he smoked because he was told how hard it would be to quit.

So, he created his own "mind over matter" way to stop and it worked. Afterward, he went on to help over two dozen people quickly quit and without any drugs.

He uses several small but effective mental exercises along with some verbal coaching to get people "off the stick". If you smoke, give Kevin a try.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.

Workplace Relationship Advice

If you work with others, especially in an office setting, you may find that your co-workers can be more challenging than your job.

Kevin has learned to navigate many workplace landmines and he's an expert at it.

Workplace politics and games can make what you do to survive needlessly more challenging.

Have Kevin help you to navigate your workplace dynamics.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.

Workplace Anonymous Group

If your job and/or your co-workers are bringing you down you're certainly not alone. And as the adage goes "misery loves company" what could be better than being with a group of others who want to vent about similar things as you?

Gain prospective, affirmation and feel better. Kevin is the host and moderator.

Note: The group sessions are 45 minutes.

Due group sizes needing to be between 5 and 10 people there may a wait list.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.

Parents Group

Parents need to "recalibrate" often! And of all the ways available for doing that none are likely as convenient, affordable or worthwhile as the ConvoActive 'Parent Group'.

Parents can enjoy this group from the comfort of anywhere and in less than an hour they can achieve a refreshing attitude adjustment and recharge their parental battery.

This is not your "father's parents' group". This group has all you'd expect from a "parents' group" but it encourages parents to vent, complain, and share their frustration over parent related matters and the fact that it's hosted by a humorous puppet helps keep it light-hearted and even more fun.

Schedule a ConvoActive session.

Stop Smoking

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